Our next Membership Meeting is April 9th, 2-4pm. This will include a case study on purchasing a property, and updates and Q&A on housing legislation in NYC, including the Comptroller's Homes Now Homes for Generations Campaign and the faith components in the City of Yes.
viewGet ready for the Faith-Based Affordable Housing Summit, where we'll discuss how to make housing more accessible for all, in person!
viewLearn how Houses of Faith can comply with Local Law 97 in NYC at our online event - get the guidance you need!
viewOur next Membership Meeting is on February 7th! We'll be hearing a case study on sharing your congregation with an arts organization and two new resources.
viewJoin the Partnership for Faith-Based Housing & Community Development's Open House on Thursday, January 18th from 3-5pm to learn about one of the most crucial phases in the development process, pre-development.
viewA conversation with area experts on how to begin the process of starting a project, financing your development deal, land use, landmarks and air rights, affordable housing, senior housing, workforce development housing, and home ownership.
viewOur next Membership Meeting is on December 6th! We'll be hearing case studies on security at houses of faith, and from the New York Landmarks Conservancy on their resources for houses of faith.
viewJoin us for a night of mingling, connecting, and sipping delicious cocktails at Bricks and Mortals Networking and Cocktails
viewDecoding the Updates to Local Law 97 with the NYC Accelerator, Space Sharing and Mission-Based Work at St. Paul and St. Andrew case study, and updates on the working group.
viewThe faith community is uniquely well positioned to play a substantial role partnering with the City to respond to the affordable housing crisis but many congregations don't know where to begin. This event will connect the faith community with non-profit organizations they can partner with to develop affordable housing.
viewPublic Sanctuaries: A Case for Redefining The Black Church as Public Space considers the many ways planners, developers and clergy members can protect and honor Black Churches as historical, cultural and political centers.
viewAn increasing number of people, especially youth, are dealing with anxiety related to the climate crisis. Nobuko Hori, a trained Zen Buddhist, climate activist, and Project Collaborator at the NJ Interfaith Center for Cancer Care, will lead a conversation on the emotional and spiritual care needs of people struggling with climate grief.
viewNYC faces serious public health risks from extreme weather events such as heat waves and coastal storms. NYC Department of Health’s Climate Health Director Munerah Ahmed, MPH, will describe the public health impacts on NYC because of the climate crisis and the disproportionate impact of these risks on dis-invested communities.
viewMany congregations find themselves in the development process unsure about how to proceed. This workshop is designed to help you discern your mission as a congregation, understand how your property can further that mission, and advocate for your congregation and your interests when you are talking to a real estate developer.
viewNew environmental laws will bring new energy efficiency regulations and requirements for buildings in New York City, including houses of worship.
viewNew environmental laws will bring new energy efficiency regulations and requirements for buildings in New York City, including houses of worship. Faith-based organizations do have alternative paths to compliance, but must take action now!
viewThis seminar will discuss ways to utilize your assets including energy initiatives, creative approaches to space use and space rental, and affordable housing development - including access to technical support and potentially to forgivable pre-development loans to support viable affordable housing projects.
viewBricks and Mortals a co-organisé « Accéder aux exonérations fiscales religieuses à New York » avec le Muslim Community Network (MCN), le ministère des Finances de New York et le NYC Center for Faith and Community
viewBricks and Mortals co-hosted "Accessing Religious Tax Exemptions in NYC" along with the Muslim Community Network (MCN), the NYC Department of Finance, and the NYC Center for Faith and Community Partnerships
viewB+M Quarterly Event cosponsored by the American Institute of Architects (AIA)
viewPlease join Bricks and Mortals for a Quarterly Learning Session and NYSCOC "Who is My Neighbor" Seminars for what will be a fascinating panel discussion on "Theologies of Bricks and Mortals." Panelists -- including the renowned New School Professor Mindy Fullilove -- will discuss both theological and practical implications of houses of faith serving their larger communities. This seminar will seek to build on the theological insights of the "Who is My Neighbor" Seminars, Dr. Mindy Fullilove's work on "root shock," and Rev. Dr. Schaper's work on "removing the pews." Relevant to both urban and rural participants, we will draw on this first generation thinking as part of our bridging our rural-urban divide.
viewThis zoom presentation Introduces the opportunities and engagements within the Presbytery of NYC and goes over the overview of the work of the PARTNERSHIP FOR FAITH-BASED AFFORDABLE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT.
viewThis zoom meeting is for congregations who wish to more fully use their existing property for mission and seek to diversify their income stream to support their ministry.