Newsworthy Articles

News and Media Update December 1, 2023

Security at Houses of Worship 

In response to growing concerns over security threats, New York synagogues have bolstered their security protocols. The move comes as a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of worshippers and protect against potential acts of violence or disruption. 

Michael Masters, head of the Secure Community Network, which works to protect Jewish institutions, told Jewish residents, “We must not let the terrorists take away our confidence or ability to embrace our religion.”

Synagogues across the city have collaborated with law enforcement agencies to enhance security measures, including deploying additional personnel, increasing surveillance, and implementing advanced technology systems. 

Community Impact

Temple Emanu-El in Manhattan organized its annual Thanksgiving dinner, bringing together over 200 guests from local senior centers and shelters to combat loneliness during the holiday season and foster community. Attendees, hailing from diverse backgrounds, shared in the warmth and camaraderie of the occasion. 

Volunteers distributed Thanksgiving essentials while participants reveled in the ambiance, the beautiful setting, and the delicious food. The event's significance extended beyond nourishment, as it exemplified the Jewish principle of Tikkun Olam, emphasizing acts of service to improve and repair the world. The gathering left attendees feeling alive and connected, underscoring the profound impact of community engagement.

Temple Emanu-El annual Thanksgiving dinner (Source: Temple Emanu-El)

Two historic Brooklyn landmarks, Green-Wood Cemetery and Plymouth Church, have been identified as New York City's most underrated sites to visit. Established in 1838, Green-Wood Cemetery offers a serene and nature-filled environment with notable sculptures and architecture and plays a significant role in inspiring the creation of public parks. Plymouth Church, founded in 1847, holds historical importance as a Congregational church and a potential Underground Railroad station. With their rich history and cultural significance, these landmarks contribute to the community by providing historical resources, reconnecting people with nature, and showcasing remarkable artistic treasures. Despite their value, they have received less attention on social media platforms, making them hidden gems for visitors seeking unique experiences.

Affordable Housing 

New York Governor Kathy Hochul has announced the decision to remove required construction mandates in her housing plan, raising concerns about affordable housing in the state. The plan aimed to address New York's housing supply and affordability crisis but faced opposition in the state Legislature. The decision comes as the state grapples with rising housing costs and an urgent need for affordable housing options. 

Advocates stress the importance of finding innovative solutions and implementing comprehensive policies to meet the housing needs of New Yorkers. Collaboration between policymakers, housing advocates, and relevant stakeholders remains crucial in tackling the ongoing affordable housing challenges in New York. 

Meanwhile, in Nashville, churches and universities are stepping up to combat the city's affordable housing crisis. The Urban Institute highlights their potential to construct up to 10,000 affordable housing units on available land. The Village at Glencliff, a prime example, has already built tiny homes on church grounds, providing a safe haven for unhoused individuals. Addressing Nashville's affordable housing problem necessitates collaborative efforts between churches, universities, medical institutions, and the broader community. By leveraging their resources and fostering community support, these institutions can significantly impact affordable housing, offering hope for a more inclusive and accessible housing landscape in Nashville.

In Capitol Hill, Seattle, St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral is progressing toward developing affordable "multigenerational housing" on its campus. The cathedral has received a $100,000 grant from Trinity Church Wall Street to support the project's critical assessments and feasibility studies. The funding will aid in evaluating the financial feasibility, geotechnical surveys, and campus environmental and historic building rehabilitation studies. The initiative aims to address the city's housing and affordability crisis. The development effort gained momentum with Gage Academy and Bright Water School relocating from the campus, clearing the way for the housing project.

St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral advances affordable multigenerational housing project with grant and relocation of Gage Academy (Source: Capitol Hill Seattle Blog)

Preservation and Development 

Rick Reinhard, former chief administrative officer of the United Methodist Church's General Board of Church and Society and Jones School of Business at Rice University graduate, collaborates with local organizations and developers, repurposing these sacred spaces while preserving their cultural significance. 

Reinhard notes how vital it is to look at data: “The simple math of what it costs to maintain a church property must factor into decisions about whether declining churches stay open or close… Spending a quarter of the organization’s cash reserves year after year is unsustainable, no matter how well the investment portfolio performs. Giving short shrift to the data often results in sudden, sad decisions to close and pound a ‘for sale’ sign in the front lawn, with little forethought.”

He spearheads transforming places of worship, emphasizing the importance of real estate in serving the community; by engaging with church leaders and congregations, he ensures alignment with their values and fosters community-centric projects. 

Rick Reinhard, a 1982 graduate of the Jones School of Business at Rice University, drives efforts to transform church buildings for affordable housing (Source: Baptist News Global

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